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Loyalty | Respect | Justice

• Loyalty


Loyalty is not something you can purchase. It has to manifest from within yourself to make sacrifices for your relationships and organization, by doing things for others because you want to and not because you have to.




• Justice


Justice entails doing the morally correct act regardless of the circumstances. Choosing to stand against tyrants and corruption despite your disadvantageous situation. 




• Respect


Respect is demonstrating regard for their abilities and worth, valuing their feelings and opinions, even if you don't necessarily agree with them, accepting them on an equal footing and treating them with the same respect you would want for yourself. Respect begins with oneself.  




• Honor


Having the ability to honor the good memories you had and what you did for each other during those good times regardless of the current circumstances. It is morally wrong to weaponize their vulnerability and gifts against them, instead choose to keep that stored away in your archive as a beautiful memory.

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